Holistic Recovery

Our Treatment Programmes

Fully customizable treatment programmes tailored specifically to assist you with a faster and more effective recovery.

24/7 Assistance

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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can manifest in various ways, and individuals may exhibit different types of alcohol-related behaviors and patterns.

Some common types of alcohol addiction include binge drinking, chronic heavy drinking, functional alcoholism, dependent drinking, late-onset alcoholism, young adult alcoholism, and social drinking escalation.

At Tapas, we ensure a secure and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery from alcohol addiction. 


Narcotics Addiction

Substance dependency is a challenging condition that impacts both physical and mental well-being,  often leading to loss of life.

Some common types of drug abuse include experiential drug use, recreational drug use, regular substance use, substance dependence, polydrug use, self medication, and intravenous drug use. 

At Tapas, we offer comprehensive, personalized treatment programs in a secure and nurturing environment guided by seasoned professionals.

Compassionate Intervention

Recover in Peace & Comfort

Life is more than addiction! A healthy & prosperous future is waiting and recovery is worth the path to get there. So, support your loved one on their transformative path to recovery.


Be Aware

Understand the signs of alcohol and drug addiction by educating yourself on behavioral, physical, and emotional indicators.



Keep an eye on potential red flags such as neglect of responsibilities, financial issues, or strained relationships.



Take decisive action upon recognizing the signs of addiction to ensure a safer and healthier future of your loved ones.